Futureproofing the Public Sector – a new webinar
Hi Everyone
The Industrial Commission of Arizona and MST Solutions are teaming up to present a live webinar about digital transformation in the public sector. It should be really informative, and I’d love for you to join us.
Members from the original project taskforce will come together to show you how to:
· Eliminate data silos and automate workflows
· Increase your team’s productivity
· Leverage powerful digital tools to do more with less
· Navigate the challenges of large-scale digital transformation and streamline your transformation process
In one hour, we’ll present key project details and lessons learned from our two year adventure to bring an outdated system to the cloud and effect measurable, scalable change to ICA’s operations.
Webinar Details
Date: March 30, 2021
Time: 10:00am PDT
Follow this link to reserve a seat.
And please share this around to anyone whom you think would benefit from hearing our story!