Salesforce admin interview questions
Salesforce Interview Questions

Top Salesforce admin interview questions

Hey, Here listed some important admin concepts for your interview preparation. Cover all admin interview questions. It will take some time but you can crack your technical interview. 🙂

1. Do You Know How Salesforce works?

Salesforce is a cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform that helps businesses manage their customer interactions, sales, marketing, and customer service operations.

Salesforce works by maintaining all customer and business data in the cloud database, which means that users can access this data from anywhere, any time, on any device, as long as they have an internet connection. This also means that the data is secure and backed up regularly.

2. What is Multitenant Architecture?

Multitenancy is a software architecture where a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers (or tenants), each of whom operates on a shared application infrastructure. In other words, it allows multiple users or organizations to use the same software application while keeping their data separate from each other. Salesforce follow Multitenant approach.

3.What is Object, Field, records in salesforce ?

Database tables as objects,
Database columns as fields,
Database rows as records.

More Info here

4. Types of Relationships in Salesforce ?

  • Master-Detail Relationship
  • Lookup Relationship
  • Many-to-Many Relationship
  • Hierarchical Relationship
  • External Lookup Relationship

5. Difference between Master-details and Lookup relationship

Master-Detail Relationship:

  • It is a tightly coupled relationship between two objects where the child record cannot exist without the parent record.
  • The parent object owns the relationship, and any changes to the parent record will cascade down to the child records.
  • When the parent record is deleted, all its related child records are also deleted.
  • The security and sharing settings of the parent record are automatically inherited by the child record.

Lookup Relationship:

  • It is a loosely coupled relationship between two objects where the child record can exist independently of the parent record.
  • The relationship is established by creating a lookup field on the child object that references the parent object.
  • The child object can have multiple lookup fields that reference the same parent object, and the relationship does not affect the sharing and security settings of the child record.
  • If the parent record is deleted, the child record will remain unchanged.

In summary, Master-Detail relationship is a stricter and more dependent relationship between two objects where the parent record is responsible for managing the child records. On the other hand, Lookup relationship is a more flexible and independent relationship between two objects where the child records can exist without the parent record.

6. Use of page layout in Salesforce

Page layout in Salesforce is an important feature that allows you to customize the user interface of your Salesforce org.

7. Why we are using quick action in Salesforce?

It will allow you to perform common task like record creation quickly and easily.

8. What is sales and service cloud in Salesforce?

Sales Cloud is created to help sales teams manage their entire sales processes more efficiently. It provides tools and features for managing leads, accounts, contacts, opportunities, and other sales-related data. Sales Cloud includes a wide range of features, including lead and opportunity management, forecasting, collaboration tools, and customizable dashboards and reports.

Service Cloud, on the other hand, is created to help businesses manage their customer service and support operations like customer care solutions. It provides tools and features for managing customer cases, support requests, and other service-related data. Service Cloud includes a wide range of features, including case management, knowledge management, social customer service, and customizable dashboards and reports.

9. Case Management Tools in Salesforce

QueuesAutomatically prioritize your support team’s workload by creating lists from which specific agents can jump in to solve certain types of cases.
Assignment RulesAutomatically assign incoming cases to specific agents so that the right people work on the right cases.
Escalation RulesAutomatically escalate cases to the right people when the cases aren’t solved by a certain time.
Auto-Response RulesAutomatically send personalized email responses to customers based on each case’s details.

10. Importance of AppExchange Solutions ?

AppExchange solutions allow organizations to add new features and capabilities to their Salesforce environment. These solutions can be developed by Salesforce partners or third-party vendors, and can help organizations improve their workflows, automate processes, and optimize their data management.

11. List of Salesforce automations tools.

  1. Workflow Rules: This tool allows users to automate standard internal procedures and processes to save time and increase efficiency.
  2. Process Builder: This tool lets users automate complex business processes by creating custom workflows that can trigger actions, updates, and more.
  3. Flow: This tool provides an automated way to guide users through a sequence of tasks or actions, often referred to as a “flow,” which can streamline complex business processes.

12. Use of Salesforce formula field

It will automatically calculate and display data based on the values of other fields or information from related records.

13. Types of reports in Salesforce

  1. Tabular Reports: These reports display data in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet.
  2. Summary Reports: These reports group data based on a specified field and display summary information such as totals and averages.
  3. Matrix Reports: These reports display data in a grid format, with the ability to group data by both rows and columns.
  4. Joined Reports: These reports combine multiple report blocks into a single report, allowing users to analyze related data from different objects.
  5. Cross Filters: These reports enable users to filter data based on related objects.
  6. Dashboard Reports: These reports display data in a graphical format, providing users with an at-a-glance view of key metrics and performance indicators.
  7. Custom Reports: These reports are created by users to meet their specific reporting requirements, using the report builder and drag-and-drop interface.

14. How Schema Builder works in Salesforce ?

Schema Builder provides a visual interface that enables users to drag and drop objects, fields, and relationships to create and modify their data model. This makes it easy to understand and manage the schema of your org without needing to write any code.

15. How to perform data import and export in salesforce ?

  • Import Wizard
  • Data Loader

Conclusion: I hope, Now you are ready for the interview 🙂

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