Development Lightning Web Components

Conditional Rendering In LWC

Conditional rendering is a powerful feature in LWC that allows you to dynamically show or hide content based on specific conditions.

New Directive In LWC:

Starting from Spring’23, Salesforce introduced new directives for conditional rendering: lwc:if, lwc:elseif, and lwc:else. These directives are more recommended than the legacy if:true|false .

First One: Simple Conditional Rendering

This snippet will be helpful for how to display different greetings based on the user’s name:

  <template lwc:if={userName === 'Jack'}>
    Hi Jack, welcome back!
  <template lwc:elseif={userName === 'Rock'}>
    Hello Rock, how are you doing today?
  <template lwc:else>
    Hi there!

In this case, the lwc:if directive checks if the userName property is equal to ‘Jack’. Here the first template will show.

If not, the lwc:elseif directive checks if the userName property is equal to ‘Rock’. Now, the second template will show.

If the first two fail, the lwc:else template is rendered.

Second One: Conditional Rendering with Loops

You can use conditional rendering with loops to display different content for each item in the loop. Let’s see the example.

<template for:each={products} for:item="product">
  <div key={}>
    <template lwc:if={product.quantity === 0}>
      <span class="sold-out">Sold Out</span>

In this example, the for:each loop iterates over the products array. For each product, the lwc:if directive checks if the quantity property is equal to 0. If it is, the “Sold Out” message is displayed.

Final One: Conditional Rendering with Forms

You can use conditional rendering to show or hide form elements based on user input.

  <lightning-select value={selectedOption} onchange={handleChange}>
    <option value="option1">Option 1</option>
    <option value="option2">Option 2</option>
  <template lwc:if={selectedOption === 'option2'}>
    <lightning-input type="password" label="Password" required={true}></lightning-input>

In this example, the onchange event handler updates the selectedOption property based on the user’s selection. The lwc:if directive then checks if the selectedOption property is equal to ‘option2’. If it is, the password field is displayed.

These are just a few basic examples of conditional rendering in LWC. You can use this feature to create a wide range of dynamic and interactive web applications.


Salesforce release note

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